A Few Fun Moves Inclusivity Policy

A Few Fun Moves is determined to develop an affirmative environment that supports inclusion for individuals wanting to access feel good, and fun movement. We are committed to creating a platform where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, free from bullying, harassment and discrimination. Regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, body size, age , physical abilities, and mental health status. We believe you deserve to move your body at your own pace, in a way that feels right for you.

  • We will continue to work towards diversifying our platform when and where possible

  • Using gender neutral and trauma informed language

  • Modifying our workouts, movements, and delivery when possible to create an affirmative environment

  • Continuing to educate ourselves, and be open to learning, change, and feedback

  • Avoid making assumptions about another person’s gender, pronouns, sexuality, disability, ethnic identity, or life experiences

  • Use our platform to amplify, listen to, and learn from the voices of marginalized people and communities

A Few Fun Moves has a zero tolerance policy for discrimination of any kind, and can result in a termination of membership if this occurs.